Thursday, June 10, 2021

How to Evaluate Weights by using CRITIC method

What is CRITIC Method ?

  • CRiteria Importance Through Inter-criteria Correlation
  • Proposed by D. Diakoulaki et. al. (1995) [1]
  • Why CRITIC ? (Determination of objective weights of relative importance)
  • The weights derived incorporate both contrast intensity and conflict which are contained in the structure of the decision problem


Various Weights used in Multi-criteria decision making methods

Figure: Various Weight methods in MCDM problems

Steps in CRITIC Method ?

  • Step 1 – Formulation of decision matrix
  • Step 2 – Normalization of the input matrix
  • Step 3 – Estimation of standard deviation for the normalized matrix
  • Step 4 – Establish Symmetric matrix – Linear correlation coefficient between the Criteria,  Measure of the conflict created by criterion
  • Step 5 – Estimation of Criterion information Cj 
  • Step 6 – Measure of the conflict created by criterion, Weights


Case Study [2] 


Drilling of Aluminium 7075 with machining process parameters like Cutting speed, Feed rate and Point angle. After drilling the holes, surface roughness, Thrust force, Cylindrical and Circularity errors are estimated. 


Download the Excel file, which is solved in the video


[1] Diakoulaki, D., Mavrotas, G., & Papayannakis, L. (1995). Determining objective weights in multiple criteria problems: The critic method. Computers & Operations Research22(7), 763-770.

[2] Patel, G. M. (2021). Experimental modeling and optimization of surface quality and thrust forces in drilling of high-strength Al 7075 alloy: CRITIC and meta-heuristic algorithms. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43(5), 1-21.

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